Bringing Forth the Creative North
Arcta is an art and design centre of excellence built around the arctic expertise, facilities and networks of Faculty of Art and Design at University of Lapland. We serve as a diverse link between design and art know-how and business needs in the north. We are also promoting the creative sector of Lapland in a larger-scale.
Diverse design and art know-how
We offer design and art related services essentially for startups and SMEs as well as public sector organisations in the needs of early-phase product/service development. Yet, we do also a wide range of national and international collaboration. We offer practical support for different kind of projects e.g. by passing on multidisciplinary talent and by offering a diverse network of experts.
In the main role of our operation are innovative students together with professional education and research as well as design and art operators in Lapland. Together we offer real solutions for the needs of audiovisual media, graphic design, industrial design, service design, interior and textile design, clothing design as well as art and art education.

We offer low-threshold design services for the needs of, for example: service design, – video production, – graphic design, – industrial design, – interior and textile design, – and fashion design.
Design-driven business support
For start-ups and higher-education students Arcta offers support for developing business e.g. in form of premises and incubator model. Incubator works under SLED Startup concept in collaboration with Lapland Entrepreneur Society, Arctic Factory and InnoLight Consulting. This is based on one of Arcta courses that promote working life oriented studies with entrepreneurial focus to address the needs of today. Our aim is to expand the operation also for existing companies in form of an accelerator.
Part of the Arctic Smartness
In the big picture Arcta is central piece of Arctic Design Cluster and Creative sector cluster as part of the smart specialisation strategy in Lapland. Find more about us and contact: We’d like to know also more about You.
Sinco – Service Innovation Corner
SINCO Service Innovation Corner is a service design laboratory developed at the Faculty of Art and Design of the University of Lapland. It offers a practical development approach to service design, co-creation and user-oriented development activities.
The concept combines an innovative environment and methods with digitally-assisted tools that facilitate the comprehensive development of services, products, systems and processes efficiently in one place.