Arctic ecosystemROVANIEMI
The Rovaniemi region covers an area of over 8 000 square kilometres, making it the largest city in the European Union by land area. Nature is always just around the corner.
Creativity is one of our values. We are open-minded and we appreciate continuous development. City of Rovaniemi owns the Arctic Design Capital brand.
Twitter @roikaupunki
Facebook Rovaniemen kaupunki – City of Rovaniemi
Instagram cityofrovaniemi
Rovaniemi has a profound role as an Arctic hub for education, conferences and tourism. The city organisation actively supports cooperation between different actors, plays its own role in organising gatherings for operators in different industries and encourages the creation of a culture of experimentation. Business Rovaniemi/Rovaniemi Development, a limited company fully owned by the City of Rovaniemi, is responsible for organising the Arctic Design Week.
Lapland University Consortium
Lapland University Consortium is an organisation with special expertise in Arctic global responsibility, sustainable tourism, the services of the future, and managing distances. It creates new knowledge and expertise for the wellbeing of the Arctic and its requirements for functioning, and enhances the responsibility of actors and communities. National and international networks of Arctic design promote the achievement of strategic goals.
Lapland University Consortium operates in an ecological, social and economically sustainable manner in constant interaction with interest groups and partners. It provides students an inspiring learning environment, where digital solutions, connections with business and working life, and involvement in education and research networks form an essential part of study.
University of Lapland
The role and content production by the Faculty of Art and Design of the University of Lapland, have been key factors in the Arctic Design Week from the very outset. The University of Lapland is an internationally renowned university of design, with special focus on industrial design and service design.
Events organised by the Faculty of Art and Design of the University of Lapland for the Arctic Design Week include Design Stories forum, open alumnus seminars and faculty exhibitions, and the Arcta Design Match event.
Facebook Lapin Yliopisto
Twitter @uLapland
Instagram universityoflapland
Lapland University of Applied Sciences
The students on the English-language Degree Programme in Tourism (DPT) of the Lapland University of Applied Sciences have been involved in developing and implementing Arctic Design Week since 2015. Cooperation is integrated as part of the Collaborative Experience Design course studies. The students have designed and implemented various events in line with the annual theme of Arctic Design Week.
In the implementation of Arctic Design Week for spring 2020, the DTP students of Lapland University of Applied Sciences will participate in designing and implementing the Success by Design seminar, Wednesday Carnival, and the Award Night Gala. In addition to these tasks, the students have also been given the assignment of producing a completely new event entirety as part of conveying the results to townspeople of new brand work commissioned for the City of Rovaniemi.
Facebook Lapland University of Applied Sciences
Twitter @Lapin AMK Lapland UAS
Instagram lapinamk
Twitter: @Arctic_Centre
Facebook: @arcticcentre
Instagram: @arktikumofficial
The Arctic Centre is located in Rovaniemi in the Arktikum building that also houses the exhibitions of the Regional Museum of Lapland and the Arctic Centre. Arktikum welcomes approximately 110,000 visitors each year from all over the globe, and around 3,000 schoolchildren take part in Arctic Centre workshops and learning events.
Every other year, the Arctic Centre organises the international Rovaniemi Arctic Spirit Conference in cooperation with the City of Rovaniemi. The Arctic Café Symposium, held in Finnish, aims at highlighting recent phenomena and research for local residents and actors.